Our Story

"In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours.
In all the world, there is no love for you like my."
How We Met
It all began with a swipe!
After two failed attempts of back-to-back dating, we finally found each other. We talked for a month and decided to meet for our first date on November 12, 2016.
We met at a Starbucks and walked around Pembroke Gardens; he did most of the talking while I was still internally dying. We then decided to go to dinner at Ft. Lauderdale and walk around the beach. When we sat at dinner, I felt my heart racing, borderline heart attack.

Not a single word came out of my mouth. I couldn't even concentrate on the menu, so when the waitress came to take our order, the nerves overcame me, and I just agreed to have what Alex was having. When the waiter came out with two plates in hand, all I could do was pray that he would not stop at our table. When the plate was set in front of me my lifeline went flat, all I could see was a large lobster and every piece of seafood you could think of. All I could think to myself was "how in the world would I escape this situation" and then also remembered my dad telling me my whole childhood that due to my pickiness, I would find myself in this type of situation.
Believe it or not, I ate most of my plate! When the bill came... oh my gosh I said to myself "welp this is my first and last date with him". When he dropped me off, I went inside and nearly wanted to cry. Fast forward 5 years later and the rest is history. A love story I will never get tired of telling.

Two Hearts Become One...

And We Met...
With a swipe right, we matched and went on our first date on November 12th,2016.

Our First Date
November 12th: we went to a nice dinner and a long walk on the beach.

We Became Three
In July 2018 we found out we were waiting for our bundle of joy and in March 2019 we became three.

She Said Yes!
On December 12, 2021 we went to celebrate 5 years together. He surprised me by recreating our 1st date, took me to the beach, and popped the question.

Our Big Day!
Cound Down